Parfait pour le jours de pluie.


Welcome to this corner of the internet, and also the house of yogurtcore (WIP)

I'm rain, or whatever other name you may know me as, I'm the webmaster of this place, I don't have much to say about myself, so I'll just talk about myself for a bit.

I'm a big fan of poetry, as it can be noticed on the right, I can speak english and portuguese, but, maybe, surprisingly enough I can't speak french.

I have a very small interest in movies and anime, it's really very slim, however I really like music, so if you have some way to message me, do send recommendations!

About the site:

It was made in 1920x1080 and in Firefox, so it might look a little wonky in some other browsers/resolutions, I have up to 1280x720 to see how bad it got but it doesn't look that gauche there, so it scales decently enough, smaller than that starts to looks bad.

The code for this place is a absolute mess with dumb and shitty div names, I once had to recode this entire mess cause it was very jury-rigged, still is, just not as much.

The painting in the background is called The Meditation by Francesco Hayez, the dumb face pattern is from Cruelty Squad and the theme was inspired by Psycho Patrol R from the same dev.

Other places you can find me

rain sounds

local dumbfuck


"Os amantes se amam cruelmente
Um se beija no outro, reflectido.
e com se amarem tanto não se vêem:
Dois amantes que são? Dois inimigos.

Amantes são meninos estragados
pelo mimo de amar: e não percebem
quanto se pulverizam no enlaçar-se,
e como o que era mundo volve a nada.

Nada, ninguém. Amor, puro fantasma
que os passeia de leve, assim a cobra
se imprime na lembrança de seu trilho.

E eles quedam mordidos para sempre.
Deixaram de existir, mas o existido
continua a doer eternamente."

- Carlos Drummond de Andrade


fuck you
This user likes legally downloading music.


Also, here's my button if you want it for some reason